Fabric Sample

Russian brocade with various maroon and mauve shade chenille and silver yarns; Floral patterning; 7" x 13.5"; mounted; excellent condition Dating from the eighteenth century; a similar piece labeled in the V&A, London; similar piece in Metropolitan Muesum of Art labeled "Italian, 18th c." and another labeled "Russian, 18th c." sample size is less than 112"sq., with no repeats; fiber is silk and metallic; yarn is filamentous single, chenille, spiral or corkscrew; the metallic yarns: one if a fine spiral with the inner yarn not visible and the larger is a more obvious spiral; the fabric type is a figured weave, complex, but not with a jacquard loom attachment since it had not been invented; the contemporary name is brocade; the design is structural due to the yarn type and arrangement, weaves and variations; this fabric was a floral design with roses, leaves and geometric designs; the scale ranged from small to large and was nonuniform; most probably it was woven on a hand loom and was used for clothing;

Gard, nellie

Construction Label:

1933T 1775.95