Rank badge squares

Two squares with center white bird (L-facing) in stylized nature scene and symbols on navy satin silk ground. Image in chinese knot stitch outlined with couching in white, blues, pinks, greens; Images on the two differ slightly; one has vertical seam at center (A); black satin backing; 12” square; good condition, number of free threads

Rank badges were insignia badges worn by court officials during the Qing Dynasty to signify their status in the civil or military sphere. Two badges were attached to the costume, one on the back the other on the front which was split to allow the garment to be buttoned up at the front. This civil rank badge of kesi silk tapestry depicts a crane, which is the first and highest rank. The badge is split indicating that it was worn at the front of the garment. The bird is standing on a rock amongst turbulent waves and surrounded by auspicious symbols such as bats, 'ruyi' sceptre, clouds, flowers and floral motifs.

Auerbach, Beatrice Fox Hartford, CT.

Construction Label:

1970T 1885.1317 a & b