
The University of Connecticut Historical Costume and Textile Collection is often shown in museums and galleries in the local area. To see where you can go to see some of our pieces in person, see below for locations and contact information.

Current Exhibitions

Beatrice Fox Auerbach: The Woman, Her World and Her Wardrobe

Connecticut Historical Society
1 Elizabeth Street
Hartford, Connecticut 06105
Phone: (860) 236-5621
Web: chs.org

Upcoming Exhibitions

Eccentrics: The Evolution of the Eighties
Jorgensen Center for the Arts Gallery, Storrs, CT
June 23 - October 1st, 2016

The Wearable Art of Dyllis Schlosser Braithwaite: UCONN Class of 1951
Jorgensen Center for the Arts Gallery, Storrs, CT
March 19 - May 15, 2017

Past Exhibitions

Civil War Costumes from UCONN's Historical Collection
Connecticut State House, Hartford, CT October
15 - Dec 15, 2012

Women of New England: Dress from the Industrial Age 1850 - 1900
Benton Museum of Art, Storrs, CT
Jan 15 - March 15, 2013

Women of New England: Dress from the Industrial Age 1850 - 1900
Jorgensen Center for the Arts Gallery, Storrs, CT
May 15 - August 15, 2013

Beatrice Fox Auerbach: The Woman, Her World and Her Wardrobe
Jewish Historical Society Mandell Center, Hartford, CT
May 15 - Sept 30 2014

Princess For a Day: Wedding Gowns 1850 - 1960
Thomas J. Dodd Research Center, Storrs, CT
June 1 - Sept 1, 2014

Beatrice Fox Auerbach: The Woman, Her World and Her Wardrobe
Jorgensen Center for the Arts Gallery, Storrs, CT
May 15 - July 30, 2015

Breaking the Glass: The American Jewish Wedding
Jewish Historical Society Mandell Center, Hartford, CT
June 15 - Sept 15, 2015

Beatrice Fox Auerbach: The Woman, Her World and Her Wardrobe
Connecticut Historical Society, Hartford, CT
Jan 15 - April 30, 2016